Christmas has finally arrived here in Toronto, as has winter. Both have been looming for a while, but gentle snow falling outside and a flurry of cooking activity in my kitchen have marked today as my official start of the yuletide.
But there's one significant absence: We don't have a Christmas tree.
It was a decision made by happenstance as much as it was by bank balance (good trees cost $25 or more). For the last couple of years, we have gone with the boys to choose a tree, then brought it home to decorate. But A. and E. are now fully-fledged teenagers, and frankly, they'd rather hang with their friends in KW than come and visit us in Toronto. So that means we spend our weekends with them in KW, and never got around to addressing the whole 'tree' issue in T-dot.
Until today! In the antithesis of a Christmas miracle, I have made possibly the lamest pseudo-tree in the history of pathetic last-minute attempts by taping a string of Christmas lights to our lounge room wall, in the shape of a Christmas tree silhouette. Yes, this time it's even more lame than the cardboard tree I made out of a wine carton in Edinburgh.
And it turned out to be even more pathetic than even I expected. I just brought my laptop to the lounge room to photograph my monstrosity, only to find it has completely fallen down. So please, witness what is left of my ultra lame effort to create a Christmas Tree Silhouette in tree lights on our wall.
Ollie and Ruby
4 hours ago
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