Today, I reached new depths of penny-pinching. I cut my own hair.
It's not as bad as it sounds. I only cut my fringe, because frankly, I refuse to go pay someone $20 to do it for me. However I am still wracked by memories of the last time I tried to cut my fringe. I was in Grade 9, and was running late for a band performance at my high school. Frustrated with my hair, I took at it with some scissors. In a sequence of events fit for the daggiest of TV shows, it turned out slightly crooked. So I cut it some more. And it was still crooked. So I cut it some more. In the end, I turned up to the band room in the knick of time, to be greeted with slightly confused looks from my friends and repeated "What did you do to your hair?"
Today, though, I was determined to move beyond my wayward teen efforts. Results below. I'm embracing the slight jaggedness as a fashion statement. ;)
Am I the only one who's tried this?
Ollie and Ruby
4 hours ago
Beautiful work. And no, you're not the only one. I snip away at my bangs at least twice between each hairdresser visit. You get a lot braver with practice.
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