Thursday, 30 August 2012

Adventures in Artland

As I disappear into a dozen different work projects, the Husband has been both trotting around the countryside and preparing for his first art show. On the weekend, those collided. Four of his photos were to be shown at A Day & A Night in Hespeler Village, and he was not going to be in town. So, the good wifelet that I am, I ventured to the wee village of Hespeler on his behalf.

I found a lovely little town (Hespeler) within a town (Cambridge) with a town (Waterloo Region). Double bonus: I also found a kick arse vintage store there.  As promised, there was art and music on the street:

 Some real-time artiness:

And my good man's work. It's hard to see 'em but here goes: top row: Clock; middle row: Door that Resembles Flag; bottom row: Floor and Lunch Room.
 The tools of the trade, old school.
Tools of the trade, new school:

 Being used to make the official Graffiti Alley.
Very cool, little town of Hespeler. Very cool.