Sunday, 14 August 2011

Opening the shutters

In the months that I've been visibly absent from this blog (*cough*SLACKER*cough*), I've been up to a couple of things. Holding music events. Becoming publisher of a national magazine. Making these shirts:

More (and hopefully better) pics will come soon. But for now, may I just report that my one-woman unofficial Waterloo tourism bureau opened today and met with some cheery reactions at Waterloo's Car-Free Sunday.

If you're interested in shopping, t-shirts sizes still available are: 
Youth - L 
Women's - S, M, XL  (Runs fairly small - the small will fit a thin woman or a teenager. XL is more like a typical L
Men's - S (I HAD ordered Men's Large, but the screenprinters gave me Youth Large instead. Some heads will roll on Monday....)

I also have magnets and postcards, which include a nifty "Greetings from..." to deliver hearty salutation in a snazzy retro font. Send me a comment if you're interested in any/all of the above!