The one, or maybe two, of you who consider this blog semi-essential reading get a reward today: You are the first to know that my life as a bum will officially come to an end in January when I start two -- count them, TWO -- jobs.
I am to be the new managing editor of Alternatives Journal, a peer-reviewed journal about the environment and sustainability. It's absolutely my dream job, and I finally get to use my powers for good instead of evil! Pay=low BUT good karma=high. I'm good with that.
I will also be teaching a course at Conestoga College, in its new media convergence graduate diploma program. I've never taught before, but these kids have never worked in a newsroom before, so they won't know the difference. Kidding! It's going to be great, and I'm busily preparing class plans, assignments, lectures and the like. It's a six-hour class each week - wish us all luck!
Right. I'd better go actually tell people now.
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