Monday, 6 September 2010

Itty bitty fun

A little bit of Brisbane has landed in my Toronto midst. The lovely Nat used to live literally down the hill -- a veritable marble toss -- from me in Brissy, and for the week is inhabiting our front room on Indian Rd. Naturally, this means we're in for some touristy goodness!
So far, Nat has been treated to: bucketing summer rain a-la BrisVegas as we got groceries on her first night here; being rained on while sauntering the Roncesvalles shopping strip; watching the delightful golden sunset suddenly turn to a dark downpour as we watched Romeo & Juliet in High Park; delighting in endless grey drizzle at Bobcaygeon, Ont.; and today, wandering through occasional showers as we explored the streets of Toronto.  Such is life at the end of an Ontario summer.

SJ, N, me and T, snaking our way to relative shelter at the rained-out Shakespeare In The Park

It's not all been wet and woeful. (Although, when it is, that simply gives us a good reason to duck inside for a wee spot of something tasty. Or, as would have it in Bobcaygeon, a hamlet in the Kawartha Lakes region, enough rye and ginger to get us elbowing our way into the karaoke action. We showed those kids a thing or two...)
We got to go walking in the wilderness at Dorset, Ontario:

And today we not only shopped in Yorkville, visited the Shoe Museum and partook in the Brazil Day festivities, we also conducted a thorough sampling and review of the Mill Street BrewPub offerings at the Distillery District. Full review to come!