Friday, 30 April 2010

To market, to market

 I've been putting it off for a week, but I suppose I should now finally report back from my first ever craft market.

We trekked out to Kitchener, and got up before 7 a.m. so we could get to the awesome farmers' market and set up, ready to rock by 8:45 a.m.

I gathered my wares -- hand-made recycled-and-recyclable gift bows made from magazines, and accessories made from ribbon and vintage buttons -- and presented them just so.

And then I amiably chatted with dozens, nay hundreds, of people, almost all of whom professed their utter admiration for my bows, and almost all of whom then wandered away without buying a thing.

As a learning experience, this was tops. As anything approaching worth the effort it required, zilch.
Still, if anyone out there needs a bow, I think I might be able to fix you up with something....


Anonymous said...

I'm rubbish at haiku - but just wanted you to know that I love your blog - and have much admiration for all your craft making efforts!!!!! Am very jealous of your creative abilities!!!
We love you to bits!!!
From Suzie, Izaac and bump