Since living in Canada, I've been introduced to the most ingenious, fun and madcap way to expand one's wardrobe: The Clothing Swap.
Most people probably already know of these things, but they're a relatively recent addition to my humble Aussie life. In essence: Clean out your wardrobe. Have friends do likewise. Bring all discards to a central location, and devolve into a mad fit of shrieks and giggles, while simultaneously adopting a manic look in your eyes as you try to find the one perfect item. Take home what you will. Everything left goes to charity.
It's awesome. Through these things -- preferably wine-sodden -- I've gained a sparkly silver 60s cocktail dress, a trench coat, a cool singlet silkscreened with a picture of a Mac Truck, and many other bits of whimsy I now adore. Of course, I've also brought home loads of dubious choices I end up giving to charity anyway, but that's the beauty of it all.
Latest absolute winners: These wicked 90s style running pants. I have gone running twice this week, just as an excuse to wear them. SCORE!
Ollie and Ruby
5 hours ago
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