Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Happy Australia Day!

It's snowy and 0 degrees today, so it must be Oz Day!  There may not be barbecues here in T-dot, nor the drinking-game-laden Hottest 100 games of my occasionally-wayward 20s, but I'll try to make sure there's at least some beer. 

You know, I've now been away from Australia for four years. Four years!! Bloody hell. Australia Day 2006 was spent in a Kenyan hut, feeding Tim Tams to a random group of people also trying to help save the black rhino. As you do. 
Since then, I've had one Aus. Day happily sweltering during a visit back to Brisbane, and the others rugged up in suitable Toronto gear, usually slipping by Hemingways at some point. (Yes, I know it's a Kiwi establishment, but sometimes one must simply make do.)

So whatever you do today, give a happy thought for all Australia adds to the world: drunken backpackers, the ultimate chocolate biscuit, and bizarre marsupials. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!!!

Oz. Gotta love it.
(photo by my wonderful husband)