Thursday, 27 August 2009

'In Peril'

Apparently my status on the newspaper's daily staff roster is 'In Peril'. I totally want that on a t-shirt, perhaps alongside a photo of me in an ill-fitting rhino suit.
Judging by the amount of coffee I've consumed this morning, the pronouncement is not far wrong.

Successfully completed today:
- Did some writing assistance for my swing-dance-school-operating friend, which was TOTALLY VOLUNTARY AND UNPAID thank-you very much, Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
- Um. I made the bed.
That's about it, unless I can also count drinking coffee.

Meanwhile, T and I are in the midst of an escalating battle between our good selves (henceforth to be referred to as "The Good Guys") and the mice that somehow wriggle into the cupboard below our sink to scrimmage in our green-waste bin (to be known as "Those Little Bastards").
We were quite impressed when our first volley - a tray of evil poison pellets placed beckoningly beside some water - was entirely consumed.
We became a little frightened when the second offering was downed as well. During daylight hours. While I was in the house.
I'm heading out shortly to stock up on more evil poisonous stuff. Who knows how many of Those Little Bastards are in our walls?
I hope none of them are Mighty Mouse.