It is a truth both real and blue
that I have had so much to do
this little blog has sat neglected
as I - busy, busy - went and defected
to spend my days a'chasing moolah
instead of noting down the hooplah.
But while bereft, 'tis not forgotten!
I know my URL. I remember my log-on.
Rusty though the site may be
it has not (yet) forsaken me.
What has kept me from these pages?
Blogging, news and corporate wages.
That's not all though. Nowhere near.
I still find time to volunteer:
I'm helping bring arts to the peeps,
and writing reports 'bout Open Streets.
And on top of that, I've stopped drinking.
(I know! Best let the shock sink in.)
No beer, no wine, no whiskey or cider.
Lord help me - I don't miss it either.
My to-do list remains pages deep
so I won't make promises I can't keep.
I may get waylaid. Things might go quiet.
I could go nuts on this booze-free diet.
But, dear blog, know one more fact:
Just like Arnie, I'll be back.
Three Long Days
13 hours ago