I launched my own writing and editing business earlier this year, and when people ask what I've learned so far, I reveal the biggest lesson by far: I'm a slavedriver.
The greatest fear before setting out was not knowing what kind of self-employee I'd be. Turns out I'm the kind that sits at my desk in the morning and then basically doesn't move, sometimes adding a bit more word at night. It completely undermines the whole "take strolls while the sun shines" theory of working from home, until I burn out and play hooky for a day while feeling guilty for not working.
It's a cycle I plan to tackle in the coming months, but in the meantime I figured I should at least prove that my recent time hasn't just been devoted to organizing community fetes and planting gardens.
I've put together some travel and royal galleries, also for MSN (where I seem to be becoming the in-house royal specialist, which strangely gladdens my little Aussie heart).
And some other stuff that's either corporate or hush-hush right now.
It's exciting and exhausting. And I'm loving it.