Friday, 13 May 2011

Porch Party!

Have I told you about my little soiree coming up? Amid the whirlwind of setting up life in a new town, new job, new crazee diet, et cetera, I've also decided to create a new event in Waterloo: The Grand Porch Party.
It's gonna be an awesome afternoon. We're getting homeowners in my 'hood to offer up their front porches so musicians can play on them. Imagine sunshine, music wafting down the street, people wandering from house to house. Plus, it's on Canadian Rivers Day, so we're sharing the love with the Grand River Watershed.
If you're around, come check it out!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Where does all the time go? Sucked into a gaping maw of busy-ness, in my case, what with the day job, the side job, the husband, the stepsons, the family and friends, the need to shower, and the inclusion of a week long science journalism study trip into all that (or, as I prefer to call it, Nerdfest). Expect pics and details soon, once I work out where my head's at!