Monday, 30 November 2009

Hark! Tis the siren song of procrastination

It's a beautiful Monday, a sunny end to a totally snow-free November here in Toronto, and I'm discovering there are many reasons to udpate this blog. 
1: My lovely friend at home actually does check it sometimes, so I feel I should give her something new to read.
2: It fills my time while I wait for the Purolator people to deliver my new running shoes! (My cash-strappedness has led me to order last year's model online, for $50 less than a newer version in stores. Hurrah to thrifty webness!)
3: It helps me avoid my other writing project, which sits open in another window of my laptop impatiently whining for my attention. My new novel is a playful, chirpy little thing that likes to nip my heels at random moments. It's a small beast, but it looms large to me because of its obvious neglect. So I've taken today off from my painting efforts to bestow some love and attention on the poor critter.
And so far all I've done is update my facebook page, and decide to write my status updates in haiku.

That shall end now. I'm coming, little one!

Saturday, 28 November 2009

The author of this blog

has gone awol. 

That shall be rectified soon.

Apologies for the interruption in transmission.

Peace out.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

So tired...

... from painting. All of my best intentions drain from my limbs the moment I stand under a hot shower and start scrubbing away the paint specks. And I end up doing nothing. Not even updating this blog.
For shame.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Today's silly aside

Is brought to you by the number 1 (coffees I had today) and the letter A (for the Avoidance of Actual Accomplishments).

The fug girls are now running a Friday competition where people can comment on photos in the poetic style chosen for that week. After giggling at the last couple of weeks, I submitted my own humble effort today, because frankly, the alternative is actually working on the new novella I've started writing. 
So behold, a song in honour of Katy Perry's peach-prom-wreck dress at the MTV awards, in the style of another Perry:

Oh Holy Night, a la Perry Como:
Oh holy fug,
The light is shining brightly
Through the holes in Katy Perry's skirt.
Long may her stylist, in sin and error pining,
Be reviled, for horror such as this.
A thrill of shock. A weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious fug.

Fall on your knees
Oh witness new excesses
In peach satin and tulle
Oh fug.
Oh holey fug.